Blogging like a hacker.

I’m not new to blogging. I have blogged a few times in the past. You can find my older posts here:

I picked up blogging in college, because well, every “techie-type” needs one. I started posting about a few of my experiments with linux and raspberry-pi, and also the open-source project I worked on during my Summer of Code internship with Google over at my old Wordpress blog. But, I couldn’t sustain that momentum after I was done with all that.

However, I think that blogging can be a very useful activity, and can even help in stress-busting and self-reflection. But to maintain a separate blog-site, dealing with CMS (logins, plugins, templates, etc etc) are not helping with that. (This blog by Tom Preston Werner echoes these sentiments in a much better way than I can.)

Therefore, I’ve decided to keep the chaff to a minimum, and would start posting here as part of my weekly/monthly/bi-monthy/(OMG not yearly!) routine. Until the next one!

Peace ✌️

Written on June 13, 2019